Monday, February 28, 2011
Yep, it's Monday alright
So, as everyone in St. Louis knows, there were tornado sirens going off last night along with a thunderstorm (which I don't like), but despite that, I got my butt out of bed at 7:30 and did my workout. It was tough especially since I ate a TON of food this weekend. Saturday I went to the Working Womens Survival Show with my mom and we had a few samples of things there and then we went to Stefanina's and split a salad, only for me to later go on a date with Pat and eat hot wings and pizza. It was delicious, but I can't help but feel like I failed myself. I am back on track today. I have done my workout 6 days a week for two full weeks. This is the third week of P90x and I am finally able to do regular push-ups (I'd been doing the girly kind). I can't do very many, but it's some progress. After I was finished working out I vacuumed, swept the kitchen floor, and made a healthy breakfast. I decided to go take a shower and the water was ice cold the whole time...brrrrrrrrrr! So far, I have lost 9 pounds in 2 weeks! I find the exercise and diet routine much easier once you completely make up your mind.
Monday, February 21, 2011
Week 2

So today I started week 2 of went pretty well! I got up EARLY (if you can believe that) and got my workout done and out of the way early. I have been doing okay with the diet so far but last night I was craving some major chocolate, so I ended up eating a blue bunny fudge bar and it was soooooo good (and only 90 calories). Today's workout was Core Synergistics....I thought I was going to pass out when I did it last week, but surprisingly, this week I was able to do a little more and didn't feel as near to death! I even did yoga last Thursday (even though it's the one I like the least) and surprised myself with how much I was able to do. Hopefully I start to see some more changes as I go. I want to be able to do all of the workouts on all of the videos. One of the exercises today was the prison cell push-ups...I still have such a hard time doing those and the Dreya Roll. I will get there though. I'm happy with the progress I'm making so far! The picture really has nothing to do with this blog except that we went to the park last week when it was super nice out and I LOVED this picture of the kids...I wanted to share.
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Slowly but Surely
So, today is day 4 of working out and it's my LEAST favorite It is 90 minutes of INTENSE yoga moves and at the end it has "yoga belly" to work out the abs. I'm not looking forward to doing this but I'm looking forward to the results it will produce. So far, I've been sticking to the diet...well other than on my birthday. Alaina and I went out for lunch and I ate chicken fingers and fries...although I didn't get the ice cream that I really wanted to eat, so that's progress! I've been trying to eat at least one salad everyday with two snacks, a healthy breakfast and a small but healthy dinner. I am not doing this for me, but for Christ who lives in me and is represented through me!
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
I'm at it again
So I started exercising and dieting this week (as in yesterday). I figured it's a good time because yesterday was the 14th and Pat and I graduate in exactly 3 months!!! I also figured since he gave me a wii fit for my birthday that he's tired of me being fat ;o) So, now that I have realized my motivation for losing this weight and toning my body, trying to eat better and all that good stuff, maybe I'll actually stick to it this time. It's so easy to get busy and lose sight of the goal, but my body is not my own, it's on loan from God and I realize that I haven't taken care of it. "Or do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and you are not your own? For you were bought at a price; therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are God's" 1 Corinthians 6:19-20. This verse has been sticking out to me and I've memorized it. In the actual context it is talking about sexual immorality but it works for keeping your body fit, too. Pat and I were watching Scrubs not too long ago and something that was said on there and I've heard a thousand times is "nothing worth having comes easy". Getting out of bed to work out is not my idea of fun, but something has to be sacraficed if I want to have a more toned (and less fat) body. I am 2 years (from today) away from being 30 and I've heard that once you hit 30 it is even harder to lose weight. My goal is to lose 50-65 pounds in 2 years. I am making smaller achievable goals within those two years to try to make my goal more attainable. So far, so good, both diet and exercising has been going great.
Monday, February 14, 2011
our weekend
So, this weekend was fun...well Friday Pat was home sick so that wasn't very fun, but then Saturday we actually got out of bed early and got all of our errands finished by about 10am. We then just hung out as a family, and later met up with Pat's dad and step-mom and they kept Declan overnight. Since we just had Alaina, we decided to take her ice was a blast. In a total of about 45 minutes we made it around the rink MAYBE 4 times, but she had lots of fun. After that, we came home and went to bed and Sunday we went to church, then I served in the nursery and then we went to lunch for my birthday and went to Pat's aunt and uncles for his grandpa's 81st birthday. It was a busy day on Sunday but still fun. Then I got a wake up call at 4 am to Declan throwing up in the bathroom. So I got up and got his bed all cleaned up while my wonderful hubby got up and took care of Declan. Luckily it wasn't the flu, it was just drainage from his cold that he's had. Oh and Pat and the kids gave me my birthday present early...Wii fit plus! They're so sweet!
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
For those of you that have not yet heard, I did not get the position that I interviewed for. I am still excited though because this just means that God has something else in store for us. Not only that, but I get another year with Declan in Kindergarten that I get to spend hanging out with Alaina and having some more one on one time with her. I would have been very happy to get the position, but I'm also happy that I am able to stay home a little longer with my kids.
On another note, I am going to continue to pursue my photography business. So don't forget, for every person you refer, you get $10 off your next session, refer 10 friends or more and you get a free session!
On another note, I am going to continue to pursue my photography business. So don't forget, for every person you refer, you get $10 off your next session, refer 10 friends or more and you get a free session!
Saturday, February 5, 2011
Perfect Day
Today was the perfect day for the kids to play out in the snow. It got up in the 40's, the wind wasn't strong, and I got to shovel the driveway and the walkway. They got to run around and get out all their energy, we purposely skipped nap time today so that they would crash tonight and it was VERY successful!!! Other than waking up to another inch of snow on the ground, it was a good day. Apparently we're supposed to get more snow tomorrow, Monday, and Wednesday. I love winter, but I'm ready for spring. So, with all the snow we have received lately, the plows have been coming through the subdivision frequently and pushed all the snow into the yards as best as possible, but apparently it wasn't good enough for the mail person. We haven't been receiving our mail because he/she can't get to our mailbox, so I guess we'll have to make daily trips to the post office (which I don't even know where it is in Wentzville).
On another note, I just realized that I have a midterm on my birthday next week and a regular exam on Valentines day...BOO! Oh well, such is life, not too much longer though!!!!!
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