With 2010 coming to an end, I can't help but look back to see all the things that have happened. I've learned so much and I also am looking forward to what God is going to do in 2011!
Here are some of the things I thought of while thinking about our past year starting from January:
*We stepped out on faith with telling our apartment complex we weren't staying, uncertain if we would be able to rent the house. We had faith that God was going to bless us.
*Pat lost his job and was able to stay with us for 4 months. Even though it was tough at times, I felt blessed just as much!
*I started my photography business
*Pat got a job working for Camden, only 10 minutes from our house.
*Declan started school, and learned how to write on top of everything else he's learning.
*Alaina's speech is improving weekly
*God has given us more than enough this year so that we could be a blessing to others, whether it was through our time, finances, or just a helping hand.
*I was able to quit my job to stay home with my kids as well as help out a friend of ours by watching their baby while they work.
*Met many new and amazing people through serving at church.
*Learned ALOT on forgiveness, patience, and compassion.
*Alaina is potty trained!!!!
These are just some of the things that have happened over the past year. I am anxious to see what 2011 will look like, especially since Pat and I will have our bachelor's degrees, Declan will be in kindergarten and Alaina will hopefully be in preschool. I know that God is going to do some amazing things in the upcoming year! I hope you all had a very Merry Christmas and trust that you will have a blessed and Happy New Year!
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