Monday, April 11, 2011


Last night I went to bed utterly exhausted and fell asleep almost instantly. Yesterday was our last small group meeting until this fall and I've really enjoyed getting to know this group of people. For many of you, you already know that Pat is without a job (as well as myself) and we are looking like crazy. I have been starting to feel a little scared, worried, and unsure, but something really amazing happened last night. While it was still dark out, I was awakened by this overwhelming peaceful and calming feeling. It woke me out of a dead sleep (and for those of you that know me, I don't wake up easily). I felt like it was God comforting me, telling me everything was going to be fine because even though I can't see the big picture, He can and this is just one tiny piece of the puzzle. He has promised to never leave us or forsake us (Heb. 13:5) and that he works all things together for the good for those who love Him (Romans 8:28). It was a feeling that I can't even fully describe, it just felt like a completely comforting and overwhelming experience. Even though we are unaware of our future, we can trust God and that he will take care of us and our family, he always has and will continue to do so. Things look grim right now, but this is just the "dark before the morning" (a song by Josh Wilson). I know God has bigger plans for us than we can even imagine and that we can trust in him completely. I am so grateful for a wonderful church family and friends that help us remember these things!

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