This past weekend was jam packed full of fun....NOT! I spent all evening Friday night cleaning and then about 3/4 of the day on Saturday cleaning. My house really wasn't THAT messy, there were just toys and stuff everywhere. So, we are going to be having a garage sale soon. Wentzville does a city-wide garage sale every spring and fall, so we decided to jump on it. We will be doing it at the end of September and I'm debating on selling ALL of our baby items. I can't decide for sure if I want to or not but I am getting very frustrated that we are running out of room with all these baby clothes and baby "accessories" around the house. Pat and I keep going back and forth on if we want to have any more children and it seems to be up in the air for both of us. We shall see what God has in store for us!
On another note, Pat started working at the Lake St. Louis location today and he LOVES it! He even came home for lunch and it was soooo nice! I love that he's only 10 minutes away from home instead of 40, it makes for no traffic and more time to spend with us! Anyway, I just wanted to update you all on what was going on with our family...I hope everyone has a GREAT week!
Look how big my baby girl is getting!

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