This week is our last class(es) for this cluster!!! I can't wait for it to be over already. I am making hot wings for Pat to take with him to class tomorrow night to share. These people think they can handle hot wings, well they've never had MY hotwings. It's my great grandma's recipe, and although it's super simple, it's VERY hot! I told him he should take a box of tissues, too so they'll have something to use when they start sweating and their nose starts running. I have a presentation to give on Tuesday night and then a final to take on Wednesday. The nice thing about my final is that I have an A in that class right now and last class the professor told us what we needed to get on our final in order to get the grade we want in the class. Fortunately, to get an A in the class, I have to get a B on the final, but if I want a B in the class, I can get a D on the final and still be good! That's good news for me. I've averaged B's on all the tests I've taken in that class, so I'm optimistic!
This past week, I've had four people contact me about doing pictures for them. One is for senior pictures, one is for a one year old's easter pictures, and two are weddings. God has been blessing us continually even though Pat hasn't gotten a job yet! I was able to pick up more hours at work last week and then all these people are interested in getting pictures done. I am so glad that we trust in God, who is bigger than our problems, has bigger plans for us, and takes care of us always!
I also took some more pictures of the kids last week whenever it was warm outside...enjoy!
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