Well it's official. We got the house! I know to many of you, having a garage is not that exciting but we are STOKED! We, and by that I mean Pat, is SUPER excited about not having to carry groceries up 3 flights of stairs anymore. We can pull in the garage, get out without getting rained on and be able to carry groceries right into the kitchen...YEA!!! I am so amazed at what God still does for us everyday. Pat lost his job, we had to be out of our apartment by the 28th and weren't sure where we were going, but we knew one thing was for sure. God's hand was in this and He was taking care of us this entire time. The easy thing to do would have been to give up on the house, be discouraged with Pat losing his job and just giving up hope and try to do things our own way but we constantly prayed and continued to be faithful and believe that God would show us where he wanted us to move. I can't tell you how much my faith has grown in the past 5 years. Pat and I have seen our ups and seen our downs and I'm so grateful that through it all God was there. He was there pushing us, He was there holding our hand and at times he was carrying us through. We are moving into this house within the next week, unsure of what God has planned for a job for Pat, but we are SURE that he has something and in His timing, Pat will have something amazing! We did our part so that God can do His and I am so excited to see what God has in store for us next!
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