So, we've been chugging along the last few weeks. Declan LOVES pre-k. He got a note sent home from his teacher the other day saying he mooned another kid during lunch, but other than that things have been great and he's doing really well. He's learning to write his name and he seems to be listening MUCH better! He comes home with a new craft that he's done every day. The other day he came home and was all excited to tell me the word for red in spanish.
Alaina had a visit from our Parents as Teachers' educator last week and has another one on Tuesday. She's ahead of where she should be in most areas, so that's good. She's been waking up every night for the past week and we're not really sure what's going on. She keeps telling me there are monsters in her room but when she wakes up and we go in to check on her, her eyes are still closed and she will typically just lay down in the middle of the floor and go back to sleep. She's becoming quite the little cuddler and she is LOVING having me all to herself on Tuesdays and Wednesdays while Declan is at school. Both of the kids LOVE LOVE LOVE the little baby I am babysitting and they just can't get enough of him.
As for Pat and myself, I just filled out my papers for graduation last time I met with my advisor so I will be a college graduate as of June 2011!!! I am soooooo looking forward to this. Pat will be finished in March and is still going back and forth on if he wants to get his masters degree. If he decides to go for that, he'll have another 18 months of school. We are just keeping busy with the kids and school and watching time just fly by. Declan just turned 5 and Alaina will be 3 in December, I can't believe it! We are so proud of our kids and the little people they are becoming. There is nothing sweeter than having a little child tell you they love you!