Tuesday, February 8, 2022

 What are you thankful for today?  I asked this to Alaina the other day and she spouted off 5 things right away.  If you really had to think about it and dig deep, what are some things you're thankful for that you don't just spout off?  Obviously family, friends, pets, etc but if you really look into WHY are you so thankful for those things?

I am so thankful for friends that become so close they're more like family.  You can show up to their house unannounced and they have piles of laundry everywhere and haven't showered.  You don't care about any of that because you just want to be around them.  I don't know about you but one of my top love languages is quality time.  I don't care what your house looks like, your kids can be running amuck, it doesn't matter. If I get to spend time with you I'm happy.

I'm grateful for a husband that goes and gets me a fountain drink everyday.  Sometimes he surprises me with an extra treat.  He fills up my gas tank so I don't have to, he helps clean up dishes after I made dinner for the family.  I love that he is passionate about coaching.  He's one of my favorite people in the w
hole world, the person I like hanging out with the most, the one I love doing absolutely nothing with or going "treasure hunting" (we love thrifting and flea markets).  I am thankful to have a partner in marriage that loves me, protects me, takes care of me, but also encourages me to follow my dreams.

I'm grateful for my kids.  They're so very different as mentioned before.  Each one unique and both are hilarious, especially when they're not trying to be.  Now that they're teenagers I don't get as much time with them as I'd like but last week we sat down for dinner, just the three of us (Pat was at a soccer practice) and no one had their phone.  It wasn't forced, I didn't tell them they couldn't have their phone on them but we had a real conversation and enjoyed each other's company and it filled my cup overflowing to have that time with my kids because who knows when the next time will be that it happens again.  

I am thankful to live close to my parents and have a great relationship with them.  I travel with my mom at least once a year to visit my brother and his family.  It's one of my very favorite things.  I love road trips anyone but the undivided one on one attention (typically Alaina sleeps majority of the drive) is something I'll treasure forever.  I haven't seen my parents as much this year as I typically do due to me having bronchitis, sinus infection, and ear infection at the end of December/beginning of January and then right into Covid.  Thankfully we're all better and healthy now.

I just wanted to post a quick blurb because this was all on my heart today to share.  So what are YOU grateful for?  I'd love to hear it!

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